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US Organization Links
NGO's & Community Health Organizations in Africa
AMREF- African Medical and Research Foundation
The African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) whose mission is to improve the health of disadvantaged people in Africa as a means for them to escape poverty and improve the quality of their lives. AMREF has defined six priority areas for intervention: HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, malaria, safe water and environmental sanitation, family health, clinical outreach, disaster management and emergency and response. -
EQUINET- the Regional Network on Equity in Health in Southern Africa
EQUINET is an African-based network of professionals, civil society members, policy makers, state officials and others within the region who have come together, to promote and realise shared values of equity and social justice in health. Equinet works to understand equity in health; promote equity values in policy and practice, and use human rights as a tool for health equity; promote health equity in economic and trade policy; and understand links between poverty, deprivation and health equity and improving household resources for health. -
Kabissa- African Civil Society Contact Directory
This is a list of small, community-based organizations working on issues related to health in Africa, provided by Kabissa. Program descriptions and contact information is provided for each entry. Kabissa is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering African civil society organizations to use information and communication technology effectively for the benefit of their communities. -
Global Alliance for Africa
Global Alliance for Africa was established by a group of healthcare professionals and other concerned individuals from eight countries in Africa, North America and Europe in order to support self-sustaining, community-based approaches to health care, specifically in maternal and child health. They work to collaborate with African organizations and communities that are taking innovative approaches to health care needs in Africa. -
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation- Global Health Program
The foundation’s Global Health Program is focused on reducing global health inequities by accelerating the development, deployment and sustainability of health interventions save lives and dramatically reduce the disease burden in developing countries. -
The Wellcome Trust- Overseas Programs
The Wellcome Trust is an independent charity based in the UK that funds research to improve human and animal health. This site provides links to information about the Wellcome Trust’s Africa-based research programs. -
Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Center
Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Center is part of a Ford Foundation grant-making initiative, “Global Dialogue of Sexual Health and Well Being” aimed at giving visibility, depth and legitimacy to the field of sexuality. The goal of the center is to promote more informed and affirming public dialogue on human sexuality and to contribute to positive changes in the emerging field of sexuality by creating mechanisms for learning at the regional level. -
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health- Center for Communications Programs
This site provides links to various public health information programs around Africa sponsored by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Heatlh. -
The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is a non-profit, non-governmental international organization committed to conducting high-quality, policy-relevant research on the population and health-related issues facing sub-Saharan Africa in the next century. APHRC is an autonomous organization headquartered in Kenya and staffed by an international team of African scientists. The center provides research fellowships for garduate and post-doctoral students. -
Action Health Incorporated
Action Health Incorporated (AHI) is dedicated to improving the health of Nigerian adolescents. -
The Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies
The Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies, based in South Africa, focuses on demographic research related to health. The Africa Centre aims to advance scientists’ understanding of rural African health behaviours, lives and society. -
Africa Action- Africa’s Right to Health Campaign
Africa Action initiated the Africa’s Right to Health Campaign to address the HIV/AIDS pandemic and the broader structural problems that have driven its spread on the African continent. They work in the United States to bring together a base of activists who share not only a commitment to these goals, but also a willingness to take action in order to achieve them. -
Bush Hospital Foundation
The Bush Hospital Foundation is a charity incorporated by the Royal court in the Island of Jersey. It is a field active international agency which funds medical projects in Sub Saharan Africa by, for example, supplying vehicles and grants for medical projects in sub Saharan Africa. -
HealthServe is a ministry of Christian Medical Fellowship. It exists to mobilise, envision and equip Christian healthcare professionals & students into Christian global healthcare mission. -
Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS)
The Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS) is an African institution dedicated to strengthening the capacities of organisations and individuals working in the field of reproductive health, population and development in order to contribute to improving the quality of life of families in sub-Saharan Africa. It is fully autonomous international non-governmental organisation with offices in Kenya and Togo. -
Eastern Africa Network for Trypanosomiasis EANETT
The Eastern Africa Network for Tyypanosomiasis aims at establishing collaboration in research, training and control of trypanosomosis, links for exchange of information and technologies through workshops, technical exchange visits, MSc and PhD programmes, and an annual conference. -
Famafrique, Le Site Web Femmes d’Afrique Francophone
Famafrique is a Senegalese organization that works to promote women’s development issues and communication about those issues within Francophone Africa. The site, which is in French, offers a list of African organizations that work for women’s development issues, including health issues. -
Health Systems Trust
Health Systems Trust is an independent non-government organisation established in 1992 to support the transformation of the South African health system. -
International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology
Established in Kenya in 1970, ICIPE’s objectives are to help ensure food security and better health for humankind and its livestock, to protect the environment and to conserve and make better use of natural resources. -
National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) Tanzania
The National Institute For Medical research (NIMR) is a parastatal institution which is responsible for carrying out, controlling, coordinating, registration, monitoring, evaluation and promoting of health research in Tanzania. NIMR’s major research areas are malaria, HIV/AIDS and sexual transmitted infections (STI), URTI, diarrhoeal disease, pneumonia, intestinal worms, eye infections, skin infections, Anaemia, and Trauma/accidents. -
SA Medical Research Council
The Medical Research Council of South Africa aims to improve the nation’s health status and quality of life through relevant and excellent health research aimed at promoting equity and development. The website offers links to funding opportunities, recent research, news and contact information. -
Tropical Medicine Research Institute (TMRI)
The Tropical Medicine Research Institute (TMRI) part of Sudan’s National Centre for Research, was established in 1972. The main goal of the TMRI is to undertake applied research programmes on the transmission and control of parasitic diseases, improve the diagnostic methodology and implement new finer tools for the control of endemic diseases in the Sudan.
ACHAP: The African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships
ACHAP is a collaboration between the Government of Botswana (GOB), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and The Merck Company Foundation/Merck & Co., Inc., to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS in Botswana. ACHAP, established in July 2000, supports the goals of the GOB to decrease HIV incidence and significantly increase the rate of diagnosis and the treatment of the disease, by rapidly advancing prevention programmes, healthcare access, patient management and treatment of HIV/AIDS. -
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) sponsors extensive public health interventions targeting HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa through its Bureau for Global Health (GH). USAID is a partner in the $15 billion President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, announced by President Bush in 2003 with programs in Botswana, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. This website provides information about the program as well as access to relevant news and online publications. -
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)- HIV/AIDS in Africa
This link connects to information and resources related to CIDA’s efforts to address the complex and far-reaching implications of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa. Canada is directly contributing to the fight against HIV/AIDS in many countries in Africa. In 2000, CIDA committed $90 million over five years through bilateral programs alone to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa. -
VSO: Regional AIDS Initiative of Southern Africa
RAISA (Regional AIDS Initiative of Southern Africa) is a four-year VSO initiative seeking to strengthen the response to the HIV & AIDS pandemic in Southern Africa. It aims to join forces with government institutions and civil society organisations to provide effective prevention, treatment, care and advocacy for people affected by HIV & AIDS, and to mitigate the personal, social and economic impact of the pandemic. -
CHAIN- Community Health and Information Network
CHAIN is an International organization registered as a Charity in the UK and committed to empowering people living with HIV/AIDS. CHAIN aims to support the development of HIV treatment advocates, and educators in African countries where anti-viral drugs and treatments for opportunistic infections are already available. -
Africaso- African Council of AIDS Service Organizations
Africaso is an initiative that brings together NGOs from a wider region, opening dialogue with key NGOs and regional government officials. -
The Lazarus Foundation
The Lazarus Foundation is a non-profit organization which serves to combat HIV/AIDS and its related diseases, by funding various prevention, education, treatment and research programs worldwide. The Lazarus Foundation is currently registered in The United States, Canada and Nigeria as a non-profit organization. -
DFID Knowledge Program on HIV/AIDS and STI- Research and publications
This site posts many useful publications and information on research projects related to HIV/AIDS and STIs in subSaharan Africa. The DFID Knowledge Programme on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections is a five-year research project based at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the Medical Research Council, Glasgow, with collaborators in Africa and Asia, and funded by the Department for International Development. -
CAPRISA- South Africa
The Centre for the AIDS Program of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) was founded by the Universities of Natal, Cape Town, and the Western Cape, the Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York, and the National Institute for Communicable Diseases. Its three main goals are to research prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, to build research infrastructure and capacity, and to train more researchers in South Africa. -
Conselho Nacional de Combate ao HIV/SIDA Maputo, Mozambique (in Portuguese)
CNCS is an agency of the Mozambican governemnt which coordinates, monitors, evaluates and coordinates finances of all national actions to fight HIV/AIDS as conforms to the National Strategic Plan. -
Southern Africa HIV/AIDS Information Dissemination Service
Based in Harrare, Zimbabwe, SAfAIDS is a subregional non-governmental organisation established in 1994. Its main purpose is to help strengthen capacity to address the socio-economic impact of AIDS and to promote HIV prevention in southern Africa. -
Africare- HIV/AIDS Initiative
Africare’s HIV/AIDS Initiative promotes prevention through basic HIV/AIDS information and counseling; education on topics such as gender inequity, cross-generational and transactional sex, life skills, and stigma reduction; and techniques ranging from peer education to creative uses of drama. -
Health Action AIDS
Health Action AIDS is a Physicians for Human Rights project organized in coordination with Partners in Health. HAA mobilizes health professionals to support a comprehensive AIDS strategy and advocates for funds to combat the disease. -
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative is a global organization working to speed the development and distribution of preventive AIDS vaccines. IAVI’s work focuses on four areas: mobilizing support through advocacy and education; accelerating scientific progress; encouraging industrial participation in AIDS vaccine development; and assuring global access. -
AIDSlink, South Africa
AIDSLINK was founded early in 1991, with the main aim of supporting destitute individuals facing the progression of HIV/AIDS. It has consistently been active in awareness and education projects. Currently the group focuses on providing support through training and education, financial grants, food parcels, clothing, legal support, hospice placements and referrals, and counselling. -
HIVAN-centre for HIV/AIDS Networking
Features a comprehensive database of HIV/AIDS-related organisations and individuals in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa and frequently updated news about HIV/AIDS. The site includes regularly updated listings of international funding opportunities and a comprehensive list of HIV/AIDS conferences and events. Discussion forums offer a platform for caregivers, HIV+ individuasl, and HIV/AIDS researchers. -
Uganda AIDS Commission
The Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) was established by Statute of Parliament in 1992 and placed under the Office of the President to coordinate the multi-sectoral efforts. This site provides general information about the commission and the center, its programs, research updates, news, and related links. -
The Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative
The Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative aims to assist countries in implementing large-scale, integrated care, treatment and prevention programs that will turn the tide on the AIDS epidemic. It partners with countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Asia to develop operational business plans to scale-up care and treatment. -
Centre for the Study of AIDS, Pretoria, South Africa
The University of Pretoria (UP) established the Centre for the Study of AIDS (CSA) in 1999 to “mainstream” HIV/AIDS through all aspects of University’s core business activities. Its mission is to understand the complexities of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa and to develop effective ways of ensuring that all the students and staff of the University are prepared both professionally and personally to deal with HIV and AIDS as it unfolds in South African society. -
Face of AIDS- documentary film
The Face of AIDS Foundation is a film archive with more than 500 hours of film footage, recorded in 39 countries during 15 years. Face of AIDS Foundation is located in Stockholm and was inspired by Swedish documentary filmproducer Staffan Hildebrand. The purpose of the foundation is to control the film archive and to develop it into an easily accessible world of educational and informational tools in the global fight against HIV and AIDS. -
Journalists Against AIDS Nigeria
Journalists Against AIDS (JAAIDS) Nigeria is a media-based non-governmental organisation in Nigeria working in the field of HIV/AIDS and development. The mission of JAAIDS is to contribute to the prevention, care and control of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria by providing innovative communication interventions that will facilitate positive behavior change to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS. -
Nyumbani-Providing a Home for HIV+ Orphans in Kenya
Started by Father Angelo D’Agostino, SJ, MD, Nyumbani is a community for HIV+ orphans that works with Lea Toto, a community based outreach program providing services to families and children who are HIV positive in the Kangemi, Waithaka, Kawangware, Riruta, Mutuini and Ruthimitua communities of Nairobi, Kenya. This site offers links to both programs as well as a link to the Nyumbani diagnostic laboratory, which offers some intern and volunteer opportunities. -
Réseau Africain de Recherche sur le Sida
Ce site comprend les renseignements essentiels sur le réseau. On peut aussi accéder à un catalogue des périodiques du centre d’information et de documentation. This is the official website for the Reseau Africain de Recherche sur la SIDA which is in French. This Senegal based network aims to help those in the medical and scientific fields in Central and West Africa exchange information about HIV/AIDS. -
Zanempilo-Bringing Health
Zanempilo is a NGO that delivers holistic primary health care services to disadvantaged peri-urban and rural communities in the Western Cape through the employment of full-time Community Health Workers, Community Rehabilitation Workers and HIV Lay Counsellors.
African Malaria Network Trust (AMANET)
AMANET is a Tanzania based organization that is working to provide a forum for scientists and policy makers involved in the planning, coordination, and execution of malaria vaccination trials in Africa. The website includes a newsletter archive, workshop reports, a discussion forum, meetings and calls for applications and papers.
Sickle Cell Foundation Nigeria
Sickle Cell Foundation is a Nigerian non-profit organization based in Lagos that aims to optimally enhance the quality of life of individuals with sickle cell disorder and reducing, as much as possible, the burden of the disorder in the community.
Fistula Hospital
The Fistula Hospital based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia specializes in the treatment of obstetric fistula. The hospital is supported by the Fistula Foundation (formerly the American Friends Foundation for Childbirth Injuries), which is a non-profit organization that provides medical assistance to women who sustain injuries during child birth. -
Tostan~Education about African Women’s Health and Human Rights
Tostan is an international, non-governmental organization based in Senegal, West Africa, with programs in the Gambia, Burkina Faso and Guinea. Tostan empowers African communities to take charge of their own development. This page helps educate the public on the practice of female genital cutting. The organization, Tostan, is dedicated to the abolishment of this practice through the education of the local population.
Foreign Medical Graduates (FMG)
An international medical graduate (IMG), earlier known as a foreign medical graduate (FMG), is a physician who has graduated from a medical school outside of the country where he or she intends to practice.
International medical graduates (IMGs) comprise one-quarter of the U.S. physician workforce.
Connect with other Cameroonian IMGs/FMGs and those who have been through the process! The members of the ACPA understand the needs of the the IMG/FMG. Join our WhatsApp discussion group where we work to help you navigate the process for being able to practice medicine in the United States. Send an email to to be added to the group.
Certification by ECFMG is the standard for evaluating the qualifications of these physicians before they enter U.S. graduate medical education (GME), where they provide supervised patient care. ECFMG Certification also is a requirement for IMGs to take Step 3 of the three-stepUnited States Medical Licensing Examination(USMLE) and to obtain an unrestricted license to practice medicine in the United States. Download the ECFMG Information Booklet here.
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